Over the course of the past week, MacDesktops has posted 14 new desktop pictures, including: Apple (Logos, Apple), MSN vs ICQ (Humor), and Wolverine (Animation). Mandolux has issued three new desktops: one Bonzai/Taran (Orchids/Giant), one Mesopotamia (Antiquity/Stone), and one Cap (Dodgers/Giant), while MacMonkies released five new desktops and four new icon sets. Iconfactory artist Dave Brasgalla has released “Matrix Rebooted,” a free Mac OS X icon collection based on the sci-fi movie trilogy. The PC Weenies are offering six new desktops in a variety of resolutions, and dincTYPE has a great set of retro Mac OS X icons. Finally this week, InterfaceLIFT has posted five desktops, six icon sets, and two themes for Mac OS X.