Apple Original Films has landed “Matchbox,” a new, live-action feature film from Skydance and Mattel Films that will be directed by Sam Hargrave and star John Cena, reports Deadline. The movie, inspired by Mattel’s iconic real-world...
Apple Original Films has landed “Matchbox,” a new, live-action feature film from Skydance and Mattel Films that will be directed by Sam Hargrave and star John Cena, reports Deadline. The movie, inspired by Mattel’s iconic real-world...
Apple has updated its iWork apps (Pages, Keynote, and Numbers) for macOS Sequoia, iOS, and iPadOS. Following are Apple’s release notes: Keynote: • Advance your slides hands-free with the double tap gesture on supported Apple Watch models. (Requires watchOS 11)• See...
Talk about a powerful crystal ball! In a new Medium post, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo offers his predictions for the iPhone 17, iPhone 18, and iPhone 19 that will likely arrive in 2025, 2026, and 2027. He says the high-end iPhone 17 model is expected to feature an upgraded...
Are you looking for the ultimate protection for your smartphone? Hardshell phone cases are the answer. These cases are designed to withstand impact. They keep your phone safe from drops and scratches. In a world full of choices, how do you find the best? We have...
The new 5-in-1 USB-C hub from Plugable turns two Mac laptop ports into (as the name implies) five, including Ethernet and more. Designed specifically for MacBook Pro and MacBook Air models, the hub (with the moniker AMS-5IN1E) fits flush against the host Mac and adds...
Due to the pandemic, the regional MacTech Pro events were pushed into 2021 — as early as reasonably possible. This means at best, early in the third quarter of the year. But depending on guidance and public health, it could be later than that. Once there are details,...
Promise Technology and Symply have launched the Pegasus3 Symply Edition, the next generation of the Pegasus desktop RAID storage system. The new system combines 40 Gb/s Thunderbolt 3 performance with Symply's storage management suite. The Pegasus3 Symply Edition is a...
The Rolling Stones told us that time was on our side (or at least Mick Jagger's side). That's not always true, but with TimeCache ( for Mac OS X from PandaWare we can at least keep track of it. With TimeCache -- now...
Editing PDF files on Mac OS X can be tough, but a product from AnyBizSoft, a Wondershare company focused on PDF solutions, simplifies the process. PDF Editor for Mac, integrates AnyBizSoft's existing PDF to Word conversion technology. It not only enables users to edit...
Aunsoft Video Converter for Mac ( is a US$35 Mac video converting tool you can use to convert just about any type of video for use on a variety of Apple devices. What's more, it also boasts a several editing features. This...