ADHOC: The Advanced Developers Hands On Conference
Formerly MacHack

July 21-24, 2004 Dearborn, MI-

ADHOC sessions!

We talk about things of interest to Mac OS X Developers at ADHOC, and that
covers a lot of ground.

Some sessions are going to be about projects which use specific Mac OS X
technologies, or talk about the technologies themselves. This bring to mind
names such as Cocoa, Quartz, and Carbon.

Other sessions will cover subjects that are likely to be found running on
other operating systems. To name only a few, we’re thinking about PHP,
Perl, Tcl, Apache, zeroconf, Rendezvous, and so on. The actual list of
possibilities is quite long.

Hey, if something works on either Mac OS X or Darwin, the underlying open
source operating system upon which Mac OS X is based, then ADHOC attendees
are interested in how it works, how to program for it, or how to program
with it.

We’re also interested in related tools and technologies, like smart phones,
new languages, amazing achievements, and working in multiple platform

At no other time in the Mac’s history has there been such a large selection
of useful, working, robust tools that we can use to make dynamite
solutions. There is a tremendous need to share with others how they all

That’s what we do at ADHOC.

Session Speakers Desired!

ADHOC is a conference run by developers for developers, where you
absolutely have to bring your own fun. So talk to us, we want you to show
up and participate.

AdHoc needs speakers to lead sessions that discuss all this stuff, from
innovations in BSD, where Darwin has its roots, to how to make OpenGL do
amazing things. Four major revisions of Mac OS X have been released, with
more to come, so there’s plenty to talk about. There’s probably going to be
a great deal of interest in what you have to say about programming, running
a business, working the press,…

This is how we set you up to do a session. First, send us an email at This first email should tell us who you are, where
we can contact you, and provide a brief description of more or less what
you want to tackle in a session. We will exchange emails enough to get you
on the right track, and then we’ll add your idea to the list and bug you
about it a few weeks later after you’ve had some time to percolate on the
idea. Then, send us a session title, a concise description about the
session and a short description describing who you are and what you’re
about. After that, work on your project and your presentation, so when the
conference rolls around, you’ll be able to talk (or, well, gush) for an
hour on your stuff. We provide some A/V assistance so that people can see
what’s on your screen while you talk.

ADHOC attendees mostly (not exclusively) are: Mac developers; students
working hard to become developers; programmers working on other platforms
and have more than a passing interest in knowing what’s going on on the
Macintosh; or aren’t professional programmers but have a strong desire and
the drive to understand how it all works.

We like sessions that talk about what you personally built that can run on
Darwin or Mac OS X. An example of that would be is, oh, “This is How I Got
Graphics Printing to Work.” We also like sessions which survey a
programming endeavor like “Exception Handling in Objective C” or “the
GNUStep Status Report”. Something loftier might be “The Salient Differences
between Linux, BSD, and Mac OS X Kernels.” Sessions on programming
handhelds have been scheduled during each of the last few years. We also
need people to lead sessions targeted for student attendees. Also, students
can and do present sessions.

ADHOC is not about marketing, so session presentations need to be technical
and not presented as a marketing vehicle.

Your presentation does not have to be a highly polished and practiced
production number.

Session authors do pay the conference registration fee, but get a $100

We’re anxious to see what kinda stuff you got! Let us know as soon as
possible at if you’re thinking about doing a session.

By the way, you may also want to consider doing a paper. It’s more work,
but if you get your paper accepted you don’t have to pay the conference
registration fee, but you do have to 1) write a paper, and 2) do a session
about your paper. The deadline for papers is a lot earlier than the
deadline for sessions, note.

The conference will take place July 21-24, 2004, in Dearborn, Michigan.
More information is available on the Web from

For attendees, discounted registration is available for early action. Full
attendees can register for $425 online (before 02/28/04), a savings of $100
off the regular registration rate. Students can register for $50 which
includes access to the entire conference as well as a special meal package.
Total attendance is limited to 400. Student attendance is limited to 50.
More details are available on the conference website.