P R E S S  R E P O R T  from November 1, 2001

New Release Omikron Basic 7 (Beta)

The programming language Omikron Basic for Apple PowerMac is now
available as Version 7.0 Beta. In addition to the completely
redesigned editor, many additional functions were implemented as well.
For example, the last work space can be automatically loaded right
when the program starts. The price for Omikron Basic 7.0 ranges from
USD 47 for the academic download version up to  USD 143 for the
professional version supplied on CD. Purchasing the beta version now
entitles you to a free upgrade to the final version later. Registered
owners of Omikron Basic 6 can upgrade at a discount. Omikron Basic 7
requires System 8.1 or later and at least 6 MB of free space on your
hard drive.

The following improvements have been implemented:

Version 7.0 (Beta) from 29 October 2001
The most important and immediately apparent change in Omikron Basic 7
is the completely revised and newly designed editor. The new objects
for graphical interfaces introduced with MacOS 8 were used to program
the new editor, which can now be individually configured for the most
part. For example, it is now possible to create user-defined shortcuts
and to adapt the presettings of dialog boxes to your own needs and
requirements. The color settings for the color-coding function were
expanded as well. Now you can use the Mac OS color picker to set any
desired color-you are no longer restricted to pick one of the 256
default colors.

The new Open Recent menu option offers the opportunity to restore the
last workspace. This function may also be executed automatically when
the program is started so that you can continue your work exactly
where you stopped before quitting the program.

The Edit menu now offers the additional menu options Paste and Insert.
This means you can now choose whether to replace an already existing
block or insert the text from the clipboard at the cursor position
without deleting a marked block.

The Find, Replace, and Compare functions have been improved. All three
functions now work backwards (up) and all comments can be skipped if
desired. The debugger control window now displays true float behavior,
i.e., it is displayed above all other windows for easy access to the
control elements. However, this requires Mac OS 9 or later.

A new menu title named Window contains the names of all open windows
that cannot be accessed via other menu options. This provides ready
access to windows covered by other windows.

More Information about Omikron Basic is available at
A FREE DEMO VERSION can be downloaded from
(font color=”#0000FF”)http://www.berkhan.com/basic/demo_e.htm
Or download the demo file directly by pointing your browser at:
(3.2 MB)
Thank you and best regards
Birke Schreiber
Entwicklung & Vertrieb
Alt-Isenhagen 19
D-29386 Hankensbuettel        
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