Search Results for: google

Apple, Unova resolve patent dispute

Unova today announced the resolution of a patent dispute with Apple regarding patents held by both companies. Unova sued Apple and other computer makers in May 2002, claiming infringement of a patented invention to monitor use and recharging of laptop batteries. In January 2003, Apple filed a lawsuit against Unova for using technology protected by six Apple patents without permission.

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Apple U.S. market share declines year over year

Apple captured 3.2 percent of the U.S. market share in 2003, down from 3.5 percent a year ago, according to research firm IDC. The company shipped 1.675 million Macs in 2003, compared with 1.679 units in 2002. Apple’s worldwide market share remained under 2 percent in 2003. The companies ahead of Apple were: Dell (16.319 million – 30.9%), HP (10.851 million – 20.6%), IBM (2.748 million – 5.2% ), and Gateway (1.987 million – 3.8%).

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MDG Ships Web Server 4D for OS X

MDG Announces WS4D/eCommerce 4.0, Web Server 4D 4.0,
WS4D/Developer 4.0 and WS4D/Developer eCommerce 4.0,
and WS4D/Banners 4.0

Adds OS X Support, lots of new features.

Cary, IL December 22, 2003 — MDG Computer Services, Inc, a
leading developer of web and eCommerce tools for Macintosh
and Windows, announced today that it shipped version 4.0 of
Web Server 4D and WS4D/eCommerce, its a single application
that includes a full featured web server, shopping carts,
storefronts, credit authorization, virtual domains, and
database publishing.

What’s New With Version 4.0?

Web Serv

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