According to the International Data Corporation ’s (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, the India smartphone market exited 2022 with 144 million shipments (the lowest since 2019), with a 10% decline YoY (year-over-year). However, it was mostly good news for Apple.

The fourth quarter of 2022 (4Q22) declined 27% YoY as shipments fell to 30 million units. Dwindling consumer demand due to high inflation remained a challenge throughout the year despite the improved supply situation, according to IDC. The ASP (average selling price) hit a record US$224, rising 18% YoY in 2022. 

“The entry-level segment (sub-US$150) shrank to 46% of the market, down from 54% a year ago. The dearth of new launches in this critical mass segment was a barrier for new smartphone users, thus limiting the overall market’s growth,” says Upasana Joshi, research manager, Client Devices, IDC India.

The mid-premium and premium price segments of $300-500 and $500+ grew 20% and 55%, respectively, while the -$300 segment declined by 15%. In the premium segment of $500+, Apple maintained its lead with a 60% share (iPhone 13 being the third most shipped device in 2022), followed by Samsung with a 21% share.

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today