Australian FileMaker solutions provider, Goya Pty Ltd ( has open sourced their RESTful Web Services product ( for FileMaker Server.
RESTfm allows you to share your FileMaker Server based data over a RESTful Web Service API [application programming interface] and allow access to read, create, edit and delete records from any application that has web access. Previously a paid product, RESTfm is now free and open source, with a paid support model so everyone has the ability to try it and see the benefits for themselves. The RESTfm source code is now available under an MIT licence from GitHub.
Goya offers a paid annual sponsorship model for RESTfm that allows access to a dedicated support channel and code samples, for US$199 for individuals or $399 for companies. The sample code included with the sponsorship option also includes a complete syncing solution, that lets you sync FileMaker Pro and Go to FileMaker Server over RESTfm.