Hammacher Schlemmer has introduced The One Step Photograph and Slide to iPhone Converter, a device that imports photographs and slides directly to an iPhone with the touch of a button.
The device’s tray accommodates 3 x 5 or 4 x 6 photographs, 35mm sides, or negatives (135 film) and instantly scans the image to an iPhone 4S or iPhone 4 that docks on top of the converter. A free iPhone app enables the iPhone’s camera to automatically adjust the size and color of photographs and slides before the device converts the images into JPEGs that are instantly stored on the iPhone.
The One Step Photograph and Slide to iPhone Converter has LEDs that provide diffused light free of hotspots, glare, or flash burn. Powered by four AA batteries, the converter allows instant photo conversion without being tethered to an AC outlet or a computer.
The One Step Photograph and Slide to iPhone Converter is available from Hammacher Schlemmer for $59.95. For more info go to http://www.hammacher.com/Product/82557?tid=pr82557 .