Karelia Software has updated Sandvox (http://www.karelia.com/sandvox), its web development tool, to version 2.5. The upgrade sports a new Slide Show object for media presentations, social media notification upon publishing, support for Mac OS X Lion features, including Resume, Autosave, Versions and Fullscreen, localization into three new languages, and more.

Sites created using Sandvox automatically comply with the latest HTML5 web standard, and can be seen on modern mobile devices, according to the folks at Karelia Software. Once finished, users can upload their site to their favorite host directly from within Sandvox.

Sandvox 2.5 requires Mac OS X 10.6 or higher and is currently available in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese and Chinese. The Sandvox 2.5 update is available today free of charge for any registered owner of Sandvox 2.

Sandvox 2 is regularly priced at US$79.99 and available directly from Karelia Software or through the Mac App Store. Registered owners of Sandvox 1.x are eligible to purchase Sandvox 2 for an upgrade price of $49.99 directly from Karelia Software (http://www.karelia.com/). New licenses, upgrades, household licenses and site licenses are all available directly from Karelia Software.