O’Reilly Media has released “QuickBooks 2011: The Missing Manual” (http://oreilly.com/catalog/0636920010937?utm_content=em-orm-pr-Quickbooks+2011%3A+TMM&utm_campaign=O’Reilly&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&imm_mid=065edd&cmp=em-orm-pr-Quickbooks+2011%3A+TMM), a US$29.95 manual for Intuit’s financial software. The 720-page book — also available as a $27.99 ebook — offers tips on specific features, as well as get basic accounting advice.
“QuickBooks 2011 has a few new features that are really helpful,” notes author Bonnie Biafore. “For example, if you send an invoice with the same content to many of your customers, batch invoices let you create one invoice and send it to as many customers as you want. And now, you can also use Web mail like Gmail or Yahoo! to send email messages to contacts.”
Topics covered include how to: set up QuickBooks; manage your business, follow the money; find key info quickly, streamline your workflow; build and monitor budgets; and share your financial data. Biafore writes about personal finance, investing, accounting, and project management. She is the author of “O’Reilly’s Online Investing Hacks,” “Quicken 2009: The Missing Manual” and “Microsoft Project 2007: The Missing Manual.” She writes a monthly column called WebWatch for “Better Investing” magazine.