Bare Bones Software ( ) has released Yojimbo
2.1, an upgrade to the information organizer for Mac OS X. The
upgrade adds Speech and Transforms commands to the edit menu and text
view contextual menus for text-based notes.

Also, Yojimbo 2.1 now supports .vncloc clipping files. Enhancements
to scripting support allow opening the Quick Input Panel via
AppleScript and accessing a collection’s icon property from the
scripting interface. Yojimbo 2.1 also includes fixes to reported

Yojimbo is an Universal Binary application that requires Mac OS X
10.5.7 or later, and is compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 (“Snow
Leopard”). It costs US$125 for new users; upgrades to version 2.1
from version 2.x is $30. Upgrades from version 1.x is $30.