ActiveState (, a provider of tools and
services for dynamic languages, has released Komodo IDE 5.0, an
update to the multi-platform, multi-language integrated development
environment (IDE) for web development. The new release adds support
for the Git, Mercurial (hg), and Bazaar distributed version control
systems (in addition to the already supported Subversion, Perforce,
and CVS).

Komodo IDE 5.0 sports smart cross-SCC system checkout wizardry
designed to make it easier to get to work on shared repositories.
Sharing code across a team is also better with Komodo IDE 5.0’s
improved code formatting. Consistent formatting makes reading and
maintaining code easier, so Komodo IDE makes it simple with built-in
code formatting tools and the ability to easily hook in external code
formatting tools (like PHP Beautifier, Perltidy, and astyle,
according to the folks at ActiveState.

For a limited time Komodo IDE costs US$245 for a license for Mac OS
X, Unix and Windows systems (it’s normally $295). Upgrades from
Komodo IDE 4.x are $95 (regularly $145) until Dec. 23.