TRI-EDRE is proud to announce the availability of Tri-CATALOG 6.0.3
and of Tri-CATALOG Import (to import data base of previous versions)
December 12, 2006 – Tri-CATALOG analyzes and catalogues an unlimited
number of volumes (external and internal hard disks, remote disks,
CDs, DVDs, cartridges, etc.) and folders, and saves the collected
information in its data base (list of files and folders, thumbnail
for the pictures, date, size, Exif and IPTC data, etc.).
Then, you can visualize the contents of analyzed volumes, browse in
the folders, display pictures, show information for each file and
picture, and run searches despite the original volume is present or
not in your machine. The only difference, if the original volume is
not present, is that Tri-CATALOG will not be able to display real
picture, but only the thumbnail that was created and saved during the
The contents of analyzed volumes can be accessed very fast, as there
is no need to scan again the volume to display pictures or launch
At any time, you can enrich the data base with comments and keywords
for each file or picture. Comments and keywords are displayed and can
be used to retrieve your data.
The data base can be reserved for your own use, or can be shared with
other users.
For more information, go to the page dedicated to Tri-CATALOG:
Tri-CATALOG 6 has been designed for Mac OS X (10.4 and higher).
Tri-CATALOG 6 is a Universal Binary application, running natively on
both PowerPC and Intel Macintosh.
Tri-CATALOG 6 is available here:
Versions History
Version 6.0.3:
– Add browser features in the main window to directly access the
volumes contents.
– Add Copy feature in the main window, the volume’s browser and the
library (copy the information data, or the thumbnail of the selected
– Add a full screen viewer for pictures in the main window.
– Add Export as text function (from the main window).
– Add Export as HTML function for pictures (from the main window, the
volume’s browser, and the libraries).
– Add a Save As function to create a resized copy of the selected
picture (from the main window).
– Add sort function in the search results.
– Add an Information window.
– Add the possibility to convert pictures in a separate process
during the volumes scan (to avoid any crash due to the pictures
– Add a Recent Data Base menu to easily select a previous volumes data base.
– Improvement of the Exif data reading for RAW formats.
– Improvement of the pictures scan and display speed.
– Reselect the last selection when re-opening Tri-CATALOG.
– Search features are no more sensible to accented chars.
– Various corrections and enhancements.
Version 6.0.2:
– Add the possibility to select a list of volumes for searching functions.
– Add a search for duplicates function: this can find identical
files, even with different names and modification dates.
– Add a search for identical pictures function: this can find
identical pictures, as well as same pictures with different
resolutions or format.
– Add a search for similar pictures function: this can find pictures
with different resolutions or format, as well as pictures that look
like the original pictures.
– Add Mac creator and type codes (if available) in information panel.
– Add search filters for Mac creator and type codes.
– Add search filter to limit the search to the contents of folders
with a name containing a string.
– Add search filter on EXIF and IPTC full textual data (text as
displayed in the Information panel).
– Fixed a detection and discrimination issue with volumes having a same name.
– Fixed issues with volumes having a name containing “/”.
– Fixed localization issues (3 strings were not localized).
– Fixed an issue that prevented to delete volumes when the data base
is located on a remote server.
– Fixed an issue where volumes with modified name were not correctly sorted.
– No more allowed in READER mode: change of volumes name, and change
of volumes position.
Version 6.0.1:
– Add settings in Preferences to have a more efficient choice of the
files to be analyzed for pictures (default extensions list, personal
extensions list, all files, etc.).
– Add a time out option for picture analysis (after this delay, the
thumbnail creation is skipped for the current file).
– Add a function that displays all pictures contained in a group of
volumes (accessed via the Find menu).
– Add an option in Preferences to ask for confirmation (or not)
before deleting a file.
– Fixed a problem that could display the original name of a volume,
instead of the modified name (when the volume’s name was changed).
– Fixed a problem when displaying the real picture with certain
formats (.ps, .pdf).
– Fixed a problem of volumes moved to another group.
– Fixed a problem that did not show empty groups in the analyze
destination popup menu.
Version 6.0.0:
Initial version of Tri-CATALOG 6.
Pricing and availability:
Tri-CATALOG 6 is available now for download.
– In Europe: 119 euros including VAT (download) READER version
(license for 10 users): 119 euros including VAT
– Outside Europe: US $99
READER version (license for 10 users): US $99