FairCom releases new version of c-tree Plus V6.10 for Macintosh:
Support for Apple’s new Mac OS X; includes support for ADSP, SPX and TCP/IP
Columbia, MO December 14 — FairCom Corporation announced the latest
release of the Macintosh c-tree Plus File Handler V6.10. This new release
of FairCom’s database product offers several new features including a
special FairCom Server side Software Development Kit (SDK), performance
enhancements, communication and database encryption, as well as transaction
processing enhancements.
Using FairCom’s Server side SDK, Macintosh developers can implement their
own application specific code within FairCom’s powerful database Server.
FairCom customers have implemented customized database Servers for many
application types. “Developers have used this functionality to perform
application service provider (ASP) installations, special
security/encryption features, intensive data calculations, custom sorts,
and other unique functions.” according to Randal Hoff, FairCom’s Director
of Business Development. “Further, with FairCom’s impressive value
proposition, this Server side SDK has been well received, especially in the
web and embedded market segments where programmer control, a small
footprint and attractive price often drive the database decision.”
c-tree Plus V6.10 includes direct support for Apple’s new Mac OS X
operating system. FairCom has offered Macintosh support since 1985, with
multiple communication protocols, including ADSP, SPX and TCP/IP. FairCom
has emphasized database portability for over twenty years, with full
support for over 25 platforms included within each c-tree Plus package. New
and enhanced platforms for V6.10 include: Solaris V7 and V8, HP UX 11, Lynx
OS V3, NetBSD, Mac Linux, Sun Linux, Windows 2000 – New Millennium Edition.
FairCom’s unique solution to multi-threading, enhanced in V6.10 is
beneficial for Macintosh developer’s working in multiple environments.
c-tree Plus includes its own robust threading API that is truly cross
platform and manages the underlying threading differences between operating
systems. Therefore, by choosing to use the c-tree Plus threading API rather
than using a specific operating system level threading API, FairCom
automatically handles all the subtle issues of migrating multi-threading
applications across platforms, Windows to Mac.
Other c-tree Plus enhancements include performance gains, communication
encryption, stronger database Server administration and security, and
dynamic data backups with no size limitation. The enhanced dynamic data
backup makes it possible to backup files well beyond the file size
limitation of the specific operating system by automatically linking
segmented files together.
c-tree Plus V6.10 for Macintosh is priced at $895 with full source code, no
royalties for stand-alone models, 28 free development Servers, and free
development ODBC and native Seagate Crystal Report Drivers. In addition, a
full featured ODBC Driver for stand-alone and Server applications is
available in both 16 and 32 bit models, as well as the FairCom Driver SDK.
Full support for over 25 platforms from Windows and Mac to Unix is included
with each package.
FairCom created Access Manager for Digital Research in 1979 and released
its first true application development tool, the original c-tree file
handler, that same year. Today c-tree Plus is running in over 100 CPU/OS
environments in more than 100 countries worldwide. FairCom technology
embedded in software utilized by Federal Express, Computer Associates and
Sharp Corporation. For more information, contact FairCom Corporation in the
US at 573.445.6833; in Europe at +39. 035.773.464; Japan at
+81.0592.29.7504; Brazil at +55.11.3872.9802, or see www.faircom.com.