Tag: amazon

Solution for California Amazon Affiliates

Are you a California based business that was generating revenue through Amazon’s Affiliate program? If you don’t know already, you’re Amazon Affiliate agreement has been terminated in response to the new California legislation attempting to force sales tax collection.

As expected, there are solutions available that allow you to continue to collect revenues despite the results of the new California law.

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Amazon Super Kindle?

Posted by Greg Mills

The Washington Post/Bloomberg report that Amazon is planning to launch an Android tablet they bought from an unnamed manufacturer. The screen size is expected to be just a bit smaller than iPad, but in color. The price point of the new tablet hasn’t been decided or disclosed yet, but it has to be a bargain to even compete with iPad, which is very hard to do.

The sources also have claimed Amazon has an in-house design in the works for an Amazon tablet computer but won’t have that product ready to launch until next year.

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Apple has NOT lost App Store copyright case

Posted by Greg Mills

Apple has not lost the “App Store” copyright dispute with Amazon. Losing a single motion in court is an every day occurrence for attorneys. I am not an attorney, but I did ace a course in “Civil Procedure” some years ago as part of a paralegal program.

Motions are commonly made with little or no chance of winning for tactical reasons. Hey, if you don’t ask you never know, maybe the judge will grant your motion.

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Amazon Cloud Player vs Apple iCloud

Posted by Greg Mills

Sever farm vs server farm, Apple vs Amazon, iCloud vs “Amazon Cloud Player”. The big internet service companies are competing for what is expected to be an enormous amount of money. On line services where you can buy and download digital content is expected to be worth $US13 Billion to Apple alone by next year according to Global Equities Research analyst Trip Chowhry.

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Amazon leaks dual 2.7GHz Power Mac G5 details [updated]

Confirming recent speculation from Mac rumor sites, Amazon.com has added a new dual 2.7GHz Power Mac G5 model. The online retailer lists the new Power Mac under model number M9749LL/A with the following specifications: Mac OS X10.4, code named Tiger, Dual 2.7 GHz PowerPC G5 processors, 512MB of DDR SDRAM, 250GB hard drive, and 16x Dual Layer SuperDrive (CD/DVD+RW). Amazon is selling the machine for US$2,994.99.

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Amazon ‘likeliest candidate’ to take on iTunes store

Analysts are expecting online retailer Amazon.com to be the most likely to launch a music service to compete with Apple’s new iTunes Music Store, reports c|net. “As millions of songs figuratively fly off the shelves of Apple Computer’s recently launched iTunes Music Store, analysts are looking at Amazon.com as one of the likeliest candidates to take the next crack at the retail music-download business.

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