According to a report from app intelligence firm Appfigures (as noted by TechCrunch), over half of Vision Pro-only apps (52%) are paid downloads.

In addition to the large group of paid downloads, 35% of Vision-only apps didn’t monetize through the App Store, and 13% offered subscriptions.

The Appfigures’ analysis examined all the apps optimized for the Vision Pro, including the more than 700 apps optimized for the new device, meaning those apps that are Vision Pro-only and others where the developer optimized an existing app to work on Apple’s VR/AR headset specifically. However, it didn’t include the roughly 1.2 million iOS apps that work on the Vision Pro, but weren’t modified by their developers. 

Including iOS apps that were modified to include a native Vision experience, only 17% were paid downloads, and 58% were monetized with subscriptions. Appfigures tells TechCrunch a further analysis of all apps made for the Vison Pro indicates the apps have an average price of $5.67, with the highest price at $98 (for an interactive periodic table of elements). Most apps are priced at $9.99 or below.

About the Vision Pro

The Apple Vision Pro officially went on sale February 2, and demos at Apple Stores in the U.S. can be reserved on To reserve a free Vision Pro demo online, go here, then follow the steps to book an appointment at your local Apple Store. 

Pricing for the Vision Pro starts at US$3,499 with 256GB of storage. ZEISS Optical Inserts are available: $99 for reading lens and $149 for prescription lens. 

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today