In honor of the March 15 premiere of “Ted Lasso” Season 3 on Apple TV+, the Boys & Girls Clubs of West San Gabriel Valley & Eastside (BGCWSGV) are showcasing the power of being kind through their Kindness is Free 2023 campaign.

Aligned with the virtues of Ted Lasso, which emphasize the importance of showcasing unwavering kindness and treating others with respect, the Club’s Kindness Program focuses on three keys to kindness: 1) Show respect to others, 2) Treat everyone equally, 3) Be considerate to all.

These are formalized with a commemorative card after individuals recite a pledge. The Club’s campaign goal is simple yet bold: to pledge 23,000 LAUSD students, 23,000 Angelinos, and 23 corporations or businesses throughout Southern California by December 2023.

Along with Kindness Pledge cards, a Kindness Hotline (1-866-7BE-KIND) is available for individuals to call. Options on the hotline include the Kindness Tip of the Week (read by Club kids), taking the Kindness Pledge, scheduling a Kindness Pop-Up, and leaving a voice message about the kind acts witnessed.

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today