According to insight from Trends Exchange and UneeQ, the 2020s will see a hundred-fold increase in the commercial use of digital humans to answer customer service inquiries, deliver news and information, and create entertaining content. And Adroit Market Research reports the global conversational AI platform market size is anticipated to grow from $4 billion in 2019 to $17 billion by 2025.

Conversational AI encompasses many technologies including voice assistants, customer service chatbots, and digital humans.

“Chatbots and voice assistants piqued our commercial interests in the 2010s. We saw many companies start using Messenger bots for customer service,” says QuHarrison Terry, founder of Trends Exchange. “But this was a stepping stone in using AI to communicate with customers. The real opportunity is with digital humans because they take the expressive, engaging element of humans and combine it with the scalable nature of software.” 

Early adopters of digital human technology includes Deloitte, UBS, IBM, Singtel, BMW, and Vodafone. Each of these companies employed UneeQ – a digital human provider – to build digital humans to solve for improving customer experience as part of their digital transformation strategy.

“We’ve never seen a more natural and impactful way for brands to connect with their customers through technology than we have with digital humans. You’re not a forward-thinking brand if you’re not considering the impact these digital employees can have on customer experience,” says Sennai Atsbeha, former brand lead at Nike and Apple.