With all the time they spend playing video games, it’s only natural that some kids want to learn to make their own. But where do they begin?
Some parents get their kids started with Scratch, a popular (and free) educational programming language. Scratch lets kids build interactive games, stories, music, and art by dragging together colorful blocks of code, without having to worry about spelling errors or syntax.
“Super Scratch Programming Adventure!” from No Starch Press is an US$24.95, 160-page, new edition of this introduction to programming, endorsed by Scratch’s creator Mitchel Resnick. It’s now updated to cover web-based Scratch 2.
This full-color, cartoon-illustrated book teaches kids to code by showing them how to make arcade-inspired video games that are fun to play and even more fun to program. The result is an entertaining introduction to programming concepts like variables, flow control, and subroutine. For more info go to http://tinyurl.com/mzg42hl .