Here are the latest Apple rumors from the blogosphere.
“Apple and Microsoft are in a fight over the SkyDrive app on the iOS App Store, according to sources said to be close to the latter party. Recently, Microsoft introduced the ability for SkyDrive subscribers to buy extra storage space. In response, though, Apple has reportedly started blocking updates to the app, even though code that’s ready to go includes an important crash fix.” — “MacNN” (
“Apple is putting together the pieces for its plans for 2013, these currently include an iPhone 5S equipped with chips manufactured by a new partner and a variety of other fresh products.” — “Computerworld” (
“Predicting Apple’s future: the Mac, the phone, the Tablet, and the television” — “Mac360” (
“Rumored for 2013: a more colorful iPhone (or maybe two)” — “Techland” (