Kobo (www.kobo.com), which specializes in eReading, and Aquafadas a digital publishing technology company, have entered into a definitive agreement under which Kobo intends to acquire Aquafadas (www.aquafadas.com).
The global eReading market is exploding and with the acquisition of the Aquafadas Digital Publishing System, Kobo will be able to bring a selection of rich media – magazines, academic, comics, kid’s books and more to Kobo customers everywhere, says Kobo CEO Michael Serbinis. Aquafadas makes such Mac compatible products as Comici Composer, MotionComposer and SnapFlow.
“Kobo’s arrival is amazing news,” adds Aquafadas CEO Claudia Zimmer. “Thanks to this acquisition, publishers who use Aquafadas Publishing System will benefit from an easy, scalable, solution that will provide access to a new distribution channel in addition to other channels: Kobo’s platform and its 10 million registered users. We will benefit significantly from this partnership and amp up development to deliver more innovative tools. By working together to further enhance the Kobo product line-up the creation of rich-media content, Kobo and Aquafadas will take digital reading to a new level.”