A Braid Equity Research study — as reported by “Fortune” — says 24% of Americans and 29% of international respondents plan to buy the new iPad.

Before you get the idea that pretty soon EVERYONE in the world will have an Apple tablet, note that the survey notes that 488 potential customers were surveyed. And thy were a “younger, tech-savvier group on average.” With that in mind the study showed:

° Among existing iPad owners, 48% indicated they plan to purchase the new iPad, with 35% of those already owning an iPad 2.

° Forty-two percent of those planning to purchase the new iPad have never owned an iPad or other tablet.

° Fifteen percent of U.S. respondents plan to purchase the discounted iPad 2.

° Twenty-eight percdent of respondents suggested they were purchasing an iPad instead of a laptop, though close to 50% overall suggested the iPad purchase wouldn’t delay the purchase of other electronic purchases.

Read more at http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/03/26/24-of-americans-surveyed-plan-to-buy-the-new-ipad/?iid=SF_F_LN .