An October survey of 25 school technology directors by the Piper Jaffray research group shows that Apple has 100% of the school tablet market. The study found that:

° Apple has a virtual lock on the school tablet market. One hundred percent of the schools represented (serving about 30,000 students) used iPads. Zero percent of respondents deployed Google (GOOG) Android tablets (at the time of the survey, Amazon’s (AMZN) Kindle Fire had been announced but hadn’t shipped).

° A third of the schools represented expected to eventually deploy one tablet per child; one of them already did.

° The chief benefits of tablets, according to these tech specialists, was “access to information” (48%) and “personalization, flexibility” (44%).

° The chief hurdle to getting tablets into the schools, according to the IT folks, was not cost (20%) but “device management” (64%).

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