“The MUG Event Calendar” is back at full strength this week, with an unusually wide variety of topics and presentations.

Apple Senior Systems Engineer Steve Zalot will present Aperture to a Pennsylvania group, while iCloud is on the horizon in North Carolina, OmniFocus is the topic in Oregon, and Photoshop workflows get the feature treatment in California. Other topics include Google+ for business, Motion, backing up data, Preview, cutting the TV cable and a whole lot more.

“The MUG Event Calendar” can be found at The MUG Center (http://www.mugcenter.com), an online resource for Mac User Groups. MUGs are good places for making new friends in the Mac community, improving your computing skills, finding solutions to technical problems, and perhaps locating a good deal on used hardware. For more info on MUGs, and to find the location of the one nearest you, go to Apple’s MUG page (http://www.apple.com/usergroups/).