DssW has launched Sleep Monitor 3 for Mac OS X. The upgrade has been modernised to take advantage of the latest Mac OS X technologies.
Sleep Monitor gathers information over days, weeks, and months tobuild a complete picture of your Mac’s energy use. Working in the background, Sleep Monitor records information about battery levels,recharging rates, and periods of sleep, shut down, and use.
Sleep Monitor provides both a graphical and list view of a Mac’s power and use information. The information gathered includes battery level, charging state, and when the Mac is asleep, awake, and shut down.
For more info, or to download a 30-day demo version of Sleep Monitor go to http://www.dssw.co.uk/sleepmonitor/ . It’s being offered for US$10.99 through Dec. 31.
Sleep Monitor requires Mac OS X 10.6.7 or later. Version 3 is a free upgrade for existing customers.