To serve as a bridge between a user’s iPad or iPhone and personal computer, has introduced everDOCs (, its new iOS app that lets users access remote files and share them securely from their own private cloud.
The free app allows users to access files away from their home or office. everDOCs combines three apps: a Remote Explorer and Document Viewer, Email Assistant, and File Sharing Service.
“Considering the excellent connectivity of iOS devices, one would expect that they could use their iPad on the road to open documents and pictures stored on their computer,” says Marin Bogdan, chief software architect at “Surprisingly, this has been neither easy nor secure, which is why we created everDOCs.”
He says to help solve the problem of accessing files remotely on an iPad or iPhone, everDOCs combines three apps:
° A Remote Explorer and Document Viewer for iDevices: Documents (iWork, Microsoft Office, PDF, Pictures, etc.) stored on a computer at home or at the office are opened and read live on an iPhone/iPad.
° An Email-Assistant residing on the computer at home will send any files by email when requested by the everDOCs iOS app.
° A private File Sharing Service shares selected folders and documents securely with family, friends, team members or customers, without any data being sent to Facebook, Dropbox, Google, iCloud, etc.
everDOCs has two components: everDOCs Bridge is installed on a personal computer (Mac OS X and Windows), and the everDOCs iOS app on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. Two add-ons are available as in-app purchases: the “Document Package” opens additional document formats (iWork, Microsoft Office, text, web links, pictures, and more) and the “Security Package” is required to protect all communication using secure SSL encryption.