Avenza Systems has released MAPublisher 8.4 for Adobe Illustrator. The latest version of this mapmaking software used to produce high quality maps from GIS data for both print and electronic distribution now includes a thematic mapping feature called MAP Themes.

Like the name implies, it produces dot density maps and uses stylesheets to symbolize choropleth maps based on various types of data classification. In addition, it can create custom charts using data attribute values.

Other new features and enhancements of MAPublisher 8.4 for Adobe Illustrator include:

° New thematic mapping features including support for pie and bar charts and dot density maps;

° New import services: Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Map Service (WMS);

° Support for import formats including GPX and Microsoft Excel;

° Import support for Esri ArcMap documents (.mxd).

Esri Basic Personal Geodatabase format support is now available for the Mac. A new MAPubilsher Image feature type makes importing georeferenced raster imagery easier. Also, there’s a new MAPublisher Tool called MAP Contour Tagger to add labels to contour lines.

MAPublisher 8.4 for Illustrator is available free of charge to all MAPublisher customers with an active maintenance subscription and as an upgrade for non-maintenance users at US$599. New licenses are $1,399. Academic, floating and volume pricing is also available. Prices include one year of full maintenance. Details can be found at http://www.avenza.com .