SemantiNet, which develops Semantic web technology, has announced its
first web-based product during the company’s presentation at the
Jupiter Web 3.0 conference. headup is a new plug-in for Mozilla
Firefox on Mac OS X and Windows. It enables true semantic web
capabilities for the first time within any web page, fully in context
and unobtrusively via a displayed “+” symbol next to the relevant
content, the company says.

headup’s engine retrieves “personalized, meaningful” information in
real-time about the data that specifically interest the individual
user. With this information, headup can contextually “understand” how
dispersed data across the web is related, and connect it in real
time. headup alerts the user via the “+” symbol that there is
additional information of interest that can be expanded for greater
detail and discovery.

As an example, browsing a music CD on Amazon can now show not just
Amazon’s information, but also all of this — all in the same
expanded window. headup uses SemantiNet’s patent-pending semantic web
engine to encapsulate web sites with a semantic “layer” that
recognizes and labels each site’s content. To access the unified
data, headup uses SemantiNet’s query language, which enables the
first easy way to connect information that until now was disconnected
and randomized across the Web.

In addition, headup uses Microsoft’s Silverlight 2 solution for the
creation and delivery of cross-platform applications and media
experiences through a web browser. headup is available immediately
for beta testing. Interested users can register for the limited
number of headup invitations at