– New Speech Recognition Product, Based on Nuance’s Dragon
NaturallySpeaking Technology is All-Mac, Highly Accurate and Easy to Use –
SALEM, N.H., April 4, 2008 – MacSpeech, Inc. today announced that MacSpeech
Dictate is now available for direct purchase from the company’s web site in
the U.S. at (
Now customers can also select from a variety of specialized microphones,
including desktop and wireless, for their MacSpeech Dictate solution.
Within the United States, new MacSpeech Dictate solutions with a choice of
headsets are priced starting at US$199.
“The MacSpeech Dictate solution available through retail sources includes
an approved headset for quality input and accurate dictation results,”
explained Andrew Taylor, president and CEO of MacSpeech, Inc. “When people
order directly from us, they can get a special microphone. Some people
require advanced sensitivity, while others prefer a freestanding desktop
mic, or still others want a really nice wireless mic. All of the special
options are tested to work well with MacSpeech Dictate.”
MacSpeech Dictate is a new speech recognition product for the Macintosh,
with underlying speech recognition powered by the dictation technology used
in Dragon NaturallySpeaking from Nuance Communications, Inc. MacSpeech
Dictate delivers a truly Mac user experience, and conforms to behaviors
already familiar to Macintosh fans worldwide. Beyond dictation, MacSpeech
Dictate lets people perform basic navigation of their Mac and control it
with their voice to launch applications, open new windows, execute menu
commands, etc.
Compatibility and Additional International Availability MacSpeech Dictate
requires Intel-based Macintosh hardware and requires Mac OS X 10.4.11 or
higher, including Mac OS X 10.5.
MacSpeech Dictate is currently also available in English at
(, and in other English-speaking countries
through International resellers and distributors listed at
About MacSpeech, Inc.
MacSpeech, a Mac-only company dedicated to producing the finest speech
products for Macintosh, celebrated its ten-year anniversary throughout
2007. Further information on MacSpeech can be found at