Zoho Refreshes Zoho Writer

Pagination, Headers and Footers, 43-Language Spell Check Highlight Update

PLEASANTON, Calif. — November 15, 2007 — Bolstering the feature set of
its flagship online application, (http://www.zoho.com/) Zoho today
announced key updates to (http://writer.zoho.com/) Zoho Writer. Now, people
who work online with the company’s online word processing application have
access to pagination, headers and footers, a 43-language spell checker, and
other new features.

“To news watchers, announcing an upgrade may not be as exciting as
announcing a new product,” said Raju Vegesna, Zoho evangelist. “But to our
customers and those considering our products for personal or professional
use, upgrades are often more exciting. For instance, some analysts have
identified pagination and header/footer support as gating factors to
enterprise adoption of online applications. For these customers, this
announcement is a landmark event.”

Rewriting Zoho Writer

The latest enhancements to Zoho Writer include features designed to
encourage enterprise adoption and improve multi-language support.

Pagination. Users can now view their document in discrete pages by clicking
on the ‘Page View’ link. Meanwhile, Zoho now recommends using the ‘Print
Using PDF’ option for printing Zoho Writer documents This option overcomes
the browser-based printing limitations users sometimes experience using the
older ‘Print Preview’, ‘Print’ option.

Headers and footers. Users can define headers and footers from the ‘Page
Setup’ link or the ‘Page Setup’ icon in the Zoho Writer toolbar. The
headers/footers that are defined will appear when the document is printed.
They will also be intact when the document is exported to PDF/DOC.

43-language spell check. The enhanced spell checker now supports 43
languages. Regardless of which language was used to write a document, users
can now spell check the content in that language. The spell check setting
is made at the document level, so each document can be spell checked with a
different language.

Additional enhancements. Apart from the features mentioned above, several
more enhancements round out the Zoho Writer update, including:

* improvements to import/export of .doc files;

* public documents can be downloaded or sent to others by email in
different formats;

* users receive an email notification whenever comments are made to their
public documents;

* Zoho Writer user interface is now available in Chinese, taking the tally
of UI language options to 11.

Zoho Writer Reactions

Initial feedback on the Zoho Writer upgrade highlights Zoho’s commitment to
continuing improvement of its applications:

Zoho Writer Adds Features

“Zoho is announcing the launch of a variety of new features to their Writer
product this morning. … From what I can tell, these features continue to
move Zoho Writer more towards a complete Microsoft Word replacement.”

Allen Stern, (http://www.centernetworks.com/zoho-writer-updates) CenterNetworks

Zoho’s Great Leap

“But now Zoho has upgraded Zoho Writer, their online word processor, and
it’s a great leap forward. … Brilliant! … The guys at Zoho are doing a
great job and it’s worth taking a peek at their stuff. … I’ve found the
quality of their service to be very high in everything I have tried.”

Jim Dew, (http://jimdew.wordpress.com/2007/11/14/zohos-great-leap) Thinking
Things Through

Zoho Writer gets pagination support, page layout & widely improved spell

“Zoho Writer, which is my personal favorite and by far the best online
document editor has rolled out some major upgrades. … Zoho team keeps on
doing great job and they always keep on impressing me and with every step
they drive me away from Microsoft’s office suite.”

Mayank Gupta,

Zoho Writer’s New Features Trump Other Online Word Processors

“Zoho Writer has rolled out some improvements that see the online word
processor’s feature set stealing some thunder from Adobe’s recently
released Buzzword. … one thing’s for sure, Adobe better start working on
their turnaround time if they want to keep up in the online office game
because Zoho keeps cranking out the hits.”

Scott Gilbertson,
(http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2007/11/zoho-writers-ne.html) Wired

Zoho writer improves

“Zoho is one of my favorite companies out on the net today. Zoho has just
announced some changes to its texteditor, Zoho Writer. … Zoho is doing a
lot to keep improving…. Google and Zoho are the only two real competitors
in this race, as they leave others way behind with constant improvements.”

S. M. Schrama,
(http://www.web2weblog.com/50226711/zoho_writer_improves.php) web 2.0 weblog

For more information on Zoho, please visit (http://www.zoho.com/). To get
breaking Zoho news, please visit and subscribe to the RSS feed at


About Zoho and AdventNet

Zoho is creating the most comprehensive suite of affordable, online
productivity tools for today’s knowledge workers. With over 150 developers
working on the Zoho suite, the company maintains an active dialog with
customers, listening to and acting on their feedback. To date, Zoho has
launched 16 different applications and more are in the works. For more
information on Zoho, please visit (http://www.zoho.com/) and

Zoho is a division of AdventNet, in business since 1996 providing
innovative software tools and serving more than 10,000 customers worldwide.
For more information on AdventNet, please visit