Sarwat Khan releases Python programming tools for Mac OS X

BRAMPTON, ONTARIO, September 3, 2003 – Sarwat Khan has today released three
new programming tools for Python programmers: userdefaults, plistservices,
and CFPython.

userdefaults allows Mac OS X Python programs to store and retrieve
persistent user preferences using Mac OS X’s CFPreferences API, thereby
allowing Python programs to save their preferences in the user’s
~/Library/Preferences folder. userdefaults provides Python programs a
Python mapping object with which they can save CoreFoundation-compatible
property list objects in.

plistservices allows any Python programmer using Python 2.3 or later to
read and write Mac OS X XML property list data. Additionally, plistservices
includes an ISO 8601 date string parser to create Python datetime objects.
plistservices is a pure Python module and is able to run on any operating

CFPython is a C library intended to make programming with the Python C API
and CoreFoundation easier. With CFPython, programmers using the Python C
API can translate Python objects into CoreFoundation Property List objects
and perform the same translations in reverse. With CFPython, Macintosh
programmers can focus on writing their logic using Carbon or Cocoa using
native CoreFoundation objects and just perform the necessary data
translations when required to work with the Python runtime. CFPython was
used to implement the userdefaults module.

plistservices, userdefaults, and CFPython are distributed as open source
software under a BSD-style, OSI-approved license. These products are
available for download through the opensource web site at

Sarwat Khan is a long-time developer of software for Macintosh and Unix
platforms, and is well known for the award winning shareware application
Painting, a graphics editor for Mac OS 9 and 68k Macintoshes. Sarwat is
currently working on an advanced successor to Painting for Mac OS X.