Contact Information:
Constance Borsuk
Colourfull Creations


Colourfull Creations Releases update and new Developer Pricing
Structure for Multi-DBServer

New Baltimore, MI. – Colourfull Creations releases an update and new
Developer Pricing Structure for the popular database server for
Macintosh OS X, Macintosh OS 9, and Windows systems.

This update fixes some issues with Multi-DBServer and with a new cost
effective Developer Pricing Structure Colourfull Creations has poised
itself for further market penetration. The basic structure of MDBS is
simply a TCP/IP socket connection that can pass data to and from on.
The MDBS was primarily designed to help the REALBasic developer to set
up a cost effective multi-user database solution, but in actuality any
program that can open a TCP/IP connection with a socket port could
communicate with the server. Such programs would include
C/C++/Java/Visual Basic and others.

Multi-DBServer is a very cost effective solution for anyone looking to
make programs multi user for a nominal fee. Compare Multi-DBServer to
any of the other database engines on the market today. With other multi
user servers there is a high fee associated with the server or a tight
license that your program code will need to be given away. With
Multi-DBServer up to100 users can be purchased for $300.00. That is for
both Windows and Macintosh platforms with no other fees ever.

Multi-DBServer is available for immediate release. Information can be
obtained by contacting Colourfull Creations directly. You can also
visit the Colourfull Creations web site for product prices and purchase
information. Existing customers are eligible for a free upgrade. Demos
of Colourfull Creations products can also be downloaded at: