The management and staff at MacMinute would like to offer our deepest condolenses to our friends at the Bare Feats Web site. A recent death in the site administrator’s immediate family has, understandably, resulted in the stellar Web site closing down for a period of time. A message on the site reads, “Bare Feats is on hiatus as of November 1st. My father died on October 25th after a long fight with heart disease. My wife and I provided assisted living for him during the last 3+ years, enduring much emotional strain. We are taking a break for rest and reflection. Therefore, Bare Feats will NOT be updated between now and MacWorld Expo SF 2003 (January 7th). At that time, we will decide whether to continue doing Bare Feats or devote ourselves to new challenges.” Our thoughts and prayers are with the Morgan family during their time of grief.