The La Jolla Underground is pleased to announce the immediate availability
of Weblog Poster 1.2 (perviously known as Radio Poster), a tool for posting
messages to a weblog. New in this version:
* Support for multiple weblogs with a favorites window.
* Better copy & paste to and from glossaries.
* Better drag & drop to and from glossaries.
* Support for copy & paste while editing glossary entries.
* Name change.
Posting with Weblog Poster is easy. Simply create a new window, fill in the
server information, compose the message, and post it. A substitution
glossary makes it easy to add links to a message. Just drag a link to the
glossary field of a message, name the link, and then refer to the link in a
message with the name enclosed in double-quotes. Weblog Poster
automatically performs the link substitution when posting the message.
There is also a persistent global glossary that is shared among all
messages. Radio Poster supports message drafts and message editing. Before
a message is posted, it can be saved for later editing and posting. After a
message is posted, it can be saved, edited, and reposted.
New in version 1.2 is support for multiple weblogs. A new ‘add to
favorites’ checkbox in the configuration tab of a compose window adds the
weblog configuration to a list of favorite weblogs. A new favorites window
lists all favorites. To post to a favorite weblog, double-click on it in
the favorites window and a correctly configured compose window will open,
ready for a new weblog post.
Weblog Poster can be found at:
Please send any comments to:
Thank you.
William Leshner
The La Jolla Underground