Maintain has released Cocktail 6.6.1 (Mountain Lion Edition), the latest maintenance update for users running OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. This version contains improvements on the “Clear user caches” procedure, adds OS X 10.8.5 compatibility, adds new settings to modify look of Launchpad and ability to refresh Launchpad contents or remove all apps from Launchpad.

Cocktail is a general purpose utility for OS X that lets users clean, repair and optimize their Mac.

Cocktail 6.6.1 (Mountain Lion Edition) requires OS X Mountain Lion or OS X Mountain Lion Server (10.8). Cocktail (Lion Edition) for OS X 10.7, Cocktail (Snow Leopard Edition) for OS X 10.6 and Cocktail (Leopard Edition) for OS X 10.5 are available for download from the Maintain website.

Cocktail costs US$14 for a single user license and is available for purchase from the Maintain website ( The license is valid for Mountain Lion, Lion and Snow Leopard and editions of Cocktail. Cocktail (Leopard Edition) is distributed as freeware and doesn’t require a license.