Dotan Saguy has introduced Smarter Stand on Kickstarter which successfully surpassed its initial funding goal in the first 24 hours, and is expected to begin shipping this Fall. 

Saguy’s clips makes the iPad Smart Cover (or Smart Case) even “smarter” by allowing for multiple stand positions without adding any bulk. The Smarter Stand is composed of two clips that attach to either side of the Smart Cover or Smart Case. 

With the Smart Cover, a non-slip pad that sticks to the back side of the iPad is also provided to stabilize the iPad. With the Smart Case, no pad is needed since the polyurethane of the back cover provides the necessary grip.  Simply slide the clips over certain folds in order to keep portions of the cover straight, creating new viewing angles. The Smarter Stand will retail for US$20 but you can pre-order now on Kickstarter at a discount: .