Tag: rocketfm

Griffin ships RocketFM USB FM transmitter for Desktops

Griffin Technology today announced that they are shipping the RocketFM, a new wireless solution for broadcasting Mac or PC audio applications to any FM radio. RocketFM uses any available FM frequency to transmit music or audio through your home or office stereo system. Applications such as iTunes, GarageBand, video soundtracks and even streaming audio can be conveniently broadcast with RocketFM. The Griffin RocketFM is priced at US$39.99. Read More

RocketFM FM USB transmitter announced

Griffin Technology today announced RocketFM, a wireless solution for broadcasting Mac or PC audio applications to any FM radio. RocketFM uses any available FM frequency to transmit music or audio through a home or office stereo system, so applications such as iTunes, GarageBand, video soundtracks and even streaming audio can be conveniently broadcast via FM. RocketFM includes software for Mac and PC and is priced at US$39.99. It is expected to start shipping this quarter and pre-orders are being taken now.

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