Tag: faxstf

FAXstf X Pro 10.5 debuts with Panther support

Smith Micro today announced the debut of FAXstf X Pro 10.5, featuring support for Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther). Version 10.5 leverages Panther’s “Fast User Switching” feature, enabling users who share the same machine to receive incoming faxes to their own FAXstf inbox. In addition, this update offers a number of new features and tweaks, all of which are detailed in the press release. Read More

Smith Micro ships FAXstf X Pro

Smith Micro Software today announced FAXst X Pro for Mac OS X, the latest release of the company’s fax software for Mac OS X. FAXstf X Pro offers a newly designed browser that handles all of your fax needs in a single window. In addition, the software allows you to view multiple documents at once, sort faxes and create your own sub folders for easy storing and reference of sent or received faxes.

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Smith Micro unveils FAXstf X Pro for Mac OS X

Smith Micro today announced FAXstf X Pro for Mac OS X, the latest release of the company’s fax management software. FAXstf X Pro features a new browser that allows users to view multiple documents at once, sort faxes and create your own sub folders for easy storing and reference of sent or received faxes, all in one window. FAXstf X Pro is priced at US$89.95, with a variety of new upgrades options available to customers. Read More
