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You’re Office for Mac accredited. Tweet about the experience, and we may send you a free copy of Office for Mac 2011. We’re looking for the tweets with the most reach and impact. And, you can tweet it out as often as you like.

Requirements. Make sure to include the following items in your tweet.

  • @OfficeForMac
  • @MacTech

If you don’t know what to say, here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Please take a moment and spread the word with one of these:
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If you support @OfficeForMac, you need to get Microsoft Accredited through @MacTech . I did. Well worth it.

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In the last year, I became @OfficeForMac accredited @MacTech . Amazing learning experience. Well worth it.

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Got @OfficeForMac accredited @MacTech . Had no idea that O365 could work so well for us/our clients. Very useful.