The modern workforce is more valuable than ever before, and big tech companies are reaping the benefits. According to a new study by Ondeck, one company that continues to  generate high revenues, despite having a sizable workforce, is Apple.

The report says Apple makes a staggering $2,348,171 per employee annually. Data analysts at OnDeck used the Forbes Global 2000 list to analyze employee count and annual revenue from the world’s biggest companies. The team then ranked these companies based on the average annual revenue per employee, filtering out Big Tech.

With more than double the employees kept by Meta, Apple makes three times Meta’s revenue. Apple managed to lay off relatively few staff in the tech cull of 2023, benefitting from a more cautious approach to hiring in the first place.

“Apple has outperformed others and avoided the over-expansion we saw at some other tech firms during the pandemic period,” John Van Reenen, a professor at the London School of Economics, told Business Insider.

Ondeck — a company that offers business term loans and business lines of credit— also determined the global and U.S. companies generating the most revenue per employee by industry. 

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today