Since I can’t cover everything, I’ll often direct your attention to articles from various other sources worth your time.

° From Rolling Stone: The UK government is set to launch a multi-pronged publicity attack on end-to-end encryption

° From AppleInsider: Apple has confirmed it will be expanding Apple Pay in Latin America in the near future, with banks in Argentina and Peru set to join Apple’s mobile payments platform soon.

° From Deadline: “CODA” director-writer Siân Heder discusses bringing authenticity to the SAG-nominated cast.

° From the Authority for Consumers and Markets: The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets will be looking into Apple’s proposal for how it plans to handle dating app alternative payment options, to see if the company has sufficiently complied with the regulatory order.

° From MacVoices: Jeff Gamet, Guy Serle, David Ginsburg, Jim Rea, Brittany Smith, Andrew Orr, and Kelly Guimont join host Chucker Joiner wrap up a discussion of the past and  tracking technology with a focus on Apple’s AirTags. Then, the panels  discuss the iPhone at 15. (Part 2) 

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today