Artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive computing are increasingly integrated in many areas including Internet search, entertainment, commerce applications, content optimization, and robotics.

The long-term prospect for these technologies is that they will become embedded in many different other technologies and provide autonomous decision making on behalf of humans, both directly, and indirectly through many processes, products, and services, according to Research and Markets ( AI will anticipated to have an ever increasing role in ICT including both traditional telecommunications as well as many communications enabled applications and digital commerce, adds the research group.

Fast growing AI technologies for consumer facing industries include chat bots and Virtual Personal Assistants (VPA) and smart advisors. These technologies leverage autonomous agents to enable an ambient user experience for applications, services, and enhanced commerce. On the enterprise side, the majority of IT organizations are experimenting with AI in various forms such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Image Recognition, Voice Recognition, Artificial Neural Networks, and more, according to Research and Markets.