Seydesign ( has unveiled Nuvem, an US$20 theme for the RapidWeaver web site creation tool that sports features such as background tiles on the body and on all five ExtraContent areas.

It’s built on a framework that includes abilities like SS3, SmartNav, Font Awesome and more. Nuvem also sports a built-in slideshow. Called SS3.2, the slide show allows for banner slide shows from built-in images, external images, text and content, and more. It also has extensive options to control the slide show speed and effect, as well as settings that can add details such as slider navigation and pagination.

With six ExtraContent areas, Nuvem gives users flexibility to control their layout. Each ExtraContent area has its own color settings and distinct look and feel. A plus 1 ExtraContent area (area 12) comes in the form of a zone best utilized for Social Links, a free seydesign snippet that allows for the insertion of a social icon bar.