Here are the latest updates for Mac OS X apps:

The SyncMate team ( has released SyncMate 4 Beta, an update to its productivity application for Mac OS X. The app keeps data in sync between a Mac an multiple devices. SyncMate 4 Beta is compatible with Mountain Lion. Just remember: beta software is unfinished software so use with care.

AvisNocturna Software ( has announced Logoist 1.0.2, an update to its design application for Mac OS X. The app lets you create title art, logos, icons, greeting and invitation cards, ads and more. Version 1.0.2 offers some new features and bug fixes.

Econ Technologies has updated ChronoSync to version 4.3.4 and ChronoAgent for Mac to version 1.3.4. This update includes enhancements and fixes to ensure compatibility with Mountain Lion. ChronoSync is an automated synchronization and backup application. ChronoAgent is an utility that runs on the destination Mac and communicates directly with ChronoSync.

Light Pillar ( has rolled out Window Tidy 1.2, an update to their OS X window management app. The upgrade allows keyboard shortcuts to be assigned to specific layouts, as well as introduces the facility to take an instant screen capture of a specific window.