Here are the latest iPhone/iPod touch/iPod/iPad apps. You can find ’em at the Apple App Store (

Big Blue Bubble has announced I, Oracle for iOS. In the free trivia game, players answer questions on a daily basis. But there’s a catch: the questions are about future events. Guess who’s going to win the Super Bowl, who’s going to be the next President and more. The more followers you bet the more you gain.

Gleb Reutov has released Taskoverflow 1.0, for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. It’s a $4.99 task-manager that offers GTD folders, projects, time and location alerts, repeatable tasks, smart priority arrangement and more.

Epic has introduced Babel, the King 1.0 for the iPad. It’s an interactive book suitable for a young audience from 2-8 years old and their parents. It’s the story of a megalomaniac cat who dreams of becoming king and who dares to create his kingdom at any cost. Babel, the King is being offered at a special launch price of $3.99 through June 31. After this the price will be $4.99.

Artgig Apps has rolled out Marble Math Junior. In the $1.99 educational game, mathematicians earn marbles as they avoid obstacles, like sticky green slime, and collect bonuses while working through math problems.

CloverLeaf Mobile Apps has unleashed Bungee Monkey 1.0 for iOS. The object of the $0.99 game is to assist Bungee Monkey by handing him a bungee vine from the jungle canopy by swiping a finger from the treetops to the Bungee Monkey.