Future, a specialist hybrid media group, says it’s generated more than US$5 million in gross revenue from over 830,000 copy sales across its brands since Apple’s Newsstand launched in October 2011.  

The success is a testament to the company’s move from traditional print to digital, as the business restructures around high value audiences and a truly borderless digital marketplace for its market-leading products, says Rachelle Considine, chief operating officer (COO), Future US. Brands including Mac|Life, Total Film, Fast Car, T3 and many of Future’s games and music titles have all found large international audiences through their exposure to tablets like Apple’s iPad, she adds.

Overall, 33% of revenues through the Newsstand have come from the domestic U.S. market, with 25% coming from the U.K. and the other 42% coming from countries as diverse as China, Korea, Germany and France. Additionally, more than 50% of all the revenues are attributable to subscriptions sold.

In the U.S., Mac|Life has seen tremendous success, quickly becoming the top selling technology magazine on Newsstand, according to Considien. Future has also developed its own proprietary software called FutureFolio, as an Apple-approved app creation tool for enhanced and interactive digital products on the Newsstand, and is licensing this software to other publishers.