About Objects has added extra class dates to its schedule to accommodate developers attending Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco June 7-11.
The classes, “Objective-C for Beginners,” scheduled for May 29-30, and “Introduction to iPhone and iPad Development,” scheduled for May 31 through June 4 (the week immediately before WWDC), will be held near the Apple campus in Cupertino, California,, and will give developers who are new to the platform an opportunity to get up to speed on Objective-C and the iPhone SDK (software development kit) before attending the conference’s technical sessions.
About Objects will repeat the Objective-C for Beginners class June 5-6, and the Introduction to iPhone and iPad Development class June 7-11, in parallel with WWDC. The latter dates had been scheduled prior to Apple’s announcement of WWDC 2010. The classes will be conducted at the Hilton Garden Inn Cupertino, located at 10741 North Wolfe Road in Cupertino, California. For more info go to http://www.aboutobjects.com .