Extensis is sponsoring competitive scholarships to the Museum
Computer Network (MCN) Annual Conference to be held in Portland,
Oregon on Nov. 11-14.

The Digital Asset Management Scholarship is sponsored by Extensis and
is available to help heritage and culture professionals offset the
cost of attending this annual gathering. Individuals awarded the
scholarships will receive 50% off MCN conference registration and
automatic registration in the digital asset management workshop
offered during the conference. These are competitive scholarships
awarded to a limited number of applicants.

The deadline to apply for the scholarship is Oct. 9. Anyone
interested in digital asset management and wishing to attend the MCN
conference is encouraged to submit an application at
http://www.mcn.edu/conferences/index.asp?subkey=2538 .

The Museum Computer Network supports the greater museum community by
providing continuing opportunities to explore, implement, and
disseminate new technologies and best practices in the field.
Hundreds of museum professionals attend the Annual Conference to
explore the latest advances in museum technology through workshops,
panel presentations and vendor demonstrations.