Arten Science ( ) has released
ScreenAudit, a Mac OS X application that performs snapshots of your
screen and webcam at timed intervals. If you have multiple monitors
it will take snapshots of them all.
The interval between snapshots, the name of the destination folder,
and the quality of the resulting jpg can be set from within the
Preferences menu. ScreenAudit isn’t designed for covert “spying” on a
computer, according to the folks at Arten Science. The app has its
own window that shows a countdown until the next timed snapshot.
The window flips from right to left as the snapshot is taken and the
ScreenAudit icon in the dock displays the “Note” graphic to let you
know a snapshot has been taken. If you don’t wish to view the
ScreenAudit window it can obe minimised. ScreenAudit will even
snapshot the screen showing the Dashboard or Spaces overview if
ScreenAudit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or higher. A demo is available for
download; registration is approximately US$14.