O’Reilly Media has introduced and opened registration for iPhoneLive
(http://conferences.oreilly.com/iphonelive), a new conference
scheduled for Nov. 18, 2008, at the Holiday Inn San Jose in Silicon
Valley, California. Conference chairs Raven Zachary and Bill Dudney
are creating a full day’s schedule featuring keynotes from leading
thinkers in the mobile space, “Build” and “Launch” tracks of breakout
sessions, and panel discussions exploring the iPhone ecosystem.

“The iPhone platform represents a major shift in mobility and
provides a compelling opportunity for businesses to deliver products
and services, whether native or web-based, in new and exciting ways
to a global audience,” says says Zachary. “iPhoneLive will bring
together iPhone developers, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts for a day
dedicated to the emergence of the iPhone platform. If you’re already
developing products and services for the iPhone or are in the process
of evaluating the platform, this is the place to be.”

He adds that if you have any ideas, send an email to

iPhoneLive will attract iPhone developers (and those who want to
become iPhone developers), web programmers and designers, project
managers, user interface architects, mobile app developers, strategic
decision makers, analysts, investors, venture capitalists,
entrepreneurs, and many other enthusiasts.

In another conference highlight, the iPhoneLive Launch Pad offers
iPhone developers and entrepreneurs an opportunity to present their
new applications and startups to an audience. Launch Pad participants
will receive real-time feedback as the audience votes on the
presentations. Launch Pad can accept only a limited number of
participants for this program and does not charge a submission fee.
For more details and to submit a proposal, visit

A Sponsor Gallery will offer attendees the opportunity to see the
most intriguing new products and talk to their creators. Attendees
will also enjoy a closing reception as another informal networking

Early registration ends October 14. To register now and take
advantage of the early-registration discount, visit